This is my personal corner of space to share things without keeping tally.


I’m wonderfully particular,
and here a few of my favorite things.

the grand tetons - reese 4th of july - standing under a waterfall makes me sublimely happy - turquoise jewelry- caramel apple suckers - haikus - new york city - swimming in deep water - my sister - cheese boards - singing hymns - when my grandpa tells me that i'm really good at loving people - eating wild huckleberries - jane eyre - peach cream pie - schitts creek gifs - hammock naps - hiking - gin - pendleton blankets - when i do something brave - bravo tv - the moon - holding hands - freeman's artichoke dip - the more perfect podcast - rhett and ellis - santa fe - hoboken coffee - summer rain and the smell of magnolias - my big family - hazy ipas - glassy lakes - and on and on...
